Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2nd post (2-23-13)

Hey Everyone!
     I am in the loving hands of the Potter, being carefully molded and re-molded into His image. He's sanding off the burrs and softening the edges. He's buffing the surface to reflect His glory not mine. He is the Potter, I am but the clay.
     I'm sitting here finishing out another day in IMU (the hole) while writing you. There's no valid reason for me being here so I'm assuming God had work for me to do here. An empty cell with nothing but a bible and a lot of quiet time, I have been spending my abundant hours praying and reading God's word. I have been here 7 days and am already halfway through and even hoping I stay long enough to finish this will be my second time through in less than three years (the Bible not IMU).
     Although most here in IMU (it's full haha) would probably not agree, it's been very enjoyable. I have my own cell; private throne (haha); a Bible; and a view of the deer grazing in the field every night. Too often I fail to see all the blessings around me because my heart is set on self instead of God. "To whom much is give, much is required." I have been greatly blessed in here and am preparing for whatever I will be called to do.
     My prayers are with my brother and his wife as they strive to finish their house remodel and prepare for the mission field. My heart is lifted and brightened because of your continued obedience to the Lord in all your ways. May I be such a faithful servant. Thanks also to Annie, Linda, and Mom for your timely letters this week as they added to my smiles. Til next time I love you all and you never leave my thoughts and prayers.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


Jeff's First post(:

February 14, 2013
First Post from Jeffrey T Lynch
relayed word for word by daughter Jessica:

"Hey Everyone!
I just want to thank all of you for your continued support and prayers. All of you remain in my thoughts and prayers as well. I know this has been a very difficult experience for my family and friends. I have witnessed great strength gained in each of you which unfortunately comes about only through adversity. I believe each of us are being refined and molded for great things to come. As with Joseph, David, and Daniel, preparation and character building early on readied them for much greater victories later.
Obedience and faithfulness to a God that provides all our needs and protects us from things we are unable to endure or when we are weakest, makes perfect sense and clearly honors Him. But how will I live as His provision and blessings in my life become abundant and overwhelming as He promises for His followers? Will I continue to point to Him and give Him all glory? Or will false pride emerge and seek recognition for what I think I had something to do with?
I am called to finish the race and run well, continuing to give glory to the source of the life-giving water that fuels my endurance. Jesus Christ is that river that not only fills me, but floods out of me in abundance. He alone gets credit for the course of the race ahead and the victory already won.
Earlier this year, through the Appeals Court and God's grace, behind it, one of my charges was reversed. My court-appointed lawyer has nit given up and worked very hard to get my initial charge reviewed by the Supreme Court. I know a lot of prayer has ascended on my behalf through many of you and God has answered. Yesterday I received notice that the Supreme Court will review my case and decide if it will be reversed!
This will probably not be a quick process , but I made a commitment to my Lord and Savior and surrendered control of my life to him completly and I will live that way through His stregnth not mine. Thank you again for your continueing prayers and support and I hope to be present with you soon"


Hi my name is Jessica and I am one of Jeff's daughter's. My dad has asked me to create a blog for him on his behalf so that everyone can see his thoughts and know how he is doing. I will be copying every word he sends me verbatim. Thank you for all your love and support, it has been much appreciated. I will also relay back to him any posts/comments/etc. so please respond to anything he posts(: